During 2020, we noticed a growing need in the homeless and immigrant community: diapers. Diapers are so important for a baby and families health, however their cost can be very expensive, and so, Little Sprouts was born. This program has grown from 20, to 50, to now over 100 mothers registered to receive free diapers once a month. 

During their enrollment in this program, we also have the opportunity to educate them so that they can learn how to eat healthy food. 

We teach them how to utilize their money wisely on other necessities for the household, and we also teach them how to give - We teach them how to pay it forward. 

The same mothers are the ones that are bringing us gently used articles like: Baby clothes, strollers, car seats, and they also volunteer themselves to help other mothers.

The need is great, but we are seeing Little Sprouts have a beautiful impact on these families and they learn from the beginning the wonderful blessing it is to receive and to give as well!

This program as important and successful as it is still needs a lot of help. Each month we still have a waiting list of approximately 150 families that are waiting to be served.

We’d love to provide more than just diapers, such as formula, wipes, and more and with your donations we can do that! 

Will you join us with a one time or monthly donation?

Visit the Hispanic Family Foundation Website here

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